Den 28 augusti var vi hemma hos familjen Bengtsson och åt surströmming. Många åt surströmming men barnen och en del vuxna åt potatis och köttbullar. Rebecca hade tagit med sig grillad kyckling.
(The 28 of august we were invited to the Bengtsson family to eat "stinky fish". Alot of us had the "stinky fish" but the kids and some adults had potatos and meatballs. Rebecca brought grilled chicken.)
(Izzy thought the fish smelled really, really bad.)
(Rakel is showing Lindsay how to eat "stinky fish". You have to have it with bread, potato and onion for it to taste good.)
Lindsay tyckte inte om det.
(Lindsay didn´t like it.)
Äldste Glenn provade också surströmming för första gången. Han fick stöd av Pelle.
(Elder Glenn tried "stinky fish" as well. He got support from Pelle.)
Äldste Glenn tar en stor tugga. Han åt till slut två portioner.
(Elder Glenn takes a big bite. He ended up having two portions.)
Rebecca, Rakel & Lindsay
(Lindsay didn´t like it.)
(Elder Glenn tried "stinky fish" as well. He got support from Pelle.)
(Elder Glenn takes a big bite. He ended up having two portions.)
(Lindsay and Mike brought dessert. It was icecream and brownies. Yummie!)
Great pictures. I love the one of you and Izzy. I might need to steel some for my blog.