Idag har vi haft en härlig lördag. Vi tog en sovmorgon och skjutsade sedan Ludvig till Simon så att de fick leka lite och vi passade på att uträtta lite ärenden.
(We had a lovely saturday today. We slept in and then we took Ludvig to Simon so they could play and we took the time to make some errands.)
(We went to Claus´ grave with Monica and made it nice before fall. It turned out really nice with the pink flowers.)
(We also went to Familia and did some shopping. Rebecca bought a hat and a pair of black boots.)
(We went to Wikströms in the afternoon and had some dinner. Ludvig and Simon didn´t like sitting indoors because it smelled rally bad, that was because some ate "stinky fish".)
(C-J makes his first "stinky fish sandwich".)
(Ludvig had fun with the camera and took some self-portrait.)
Dagen slutar med en kväll framför TV:n. Man kan ju inte låta bli att titta när Sverige möter Danmark i fotboll. Lycka till Sverige!!!
(The day ends in front of the TV. You can´t help watching when Sweden meets Denmark in soccer. Good Luck Sweden!!!)
rebecca, i love your hat! as you can see by my photo, i am wearing a lot of hats these days. it is so cold with out hair on your head!